Watercolor is an amazing medium to work with. It helps one to be in tune with your subject, materials, and surroundings. Letting the water do what it wants to do, and guiding it to create beauty is an incredibly peaceful experience. Everyone could benefit from picking up a brush and tapping into their inner child.
A Budding Embryo
A Budding Embryo
Where life begins
Heart Fish
Heart Fish
Lauren paints thank you cards for her friends and family
Our little Embryo
Our little Embryo
This is the blastocyst that grew against all the odds
Zona Pelucida
Zona Pelucida
Another Blastocyst
Another Blastocyst
Blastocyst Anatomy
Blastocyst Anatomy
sparkling water
sparkling water
Our Day 3 eight cell embryo
Our Day 3 eight cell embryo
Impression of Luna Girl
Impression of Luna Girl
Adobe Fresco Digital Oil Painting
Adobe Fresco Digital Oil Painting
Precious Baby Sister
Precious Baby Sister
Intra Aortic Balloon Pump
Intra Aortic Balloon Pump
In honor of the beginning of my Nursing Educator Journey, I painted this cardiac assistive device.
Oocyte Retreival
Oocyte Retreival
Fallopian Tube
Fallopian Tube