Sweet LD Productions
Sweet LD Productions is a creative freelance business that promotes health through the combination of written word, art, photography, and nursing theory.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead
Lauren Doherty
Lauren is a Texas Wife, Mother, ICU Nurse, watercolorist, hiker; with a fondness for exploring, creating, questioning, and trees. She is a curious student of the natural world and has often been described as sweet. She writes part time. The rest of the time she walks in the woods with her Husband and Daughter, paints sense and nonsense, reads lots of books, cooks Mediterranean salads, grows basil, and catches sunsets with a snack.
Lauren's Mission:
"Helping 365 people smile. While going on 183 walks, reading 24 books, creating 12 masterpieces, completing 2 classes, and planting 1 tree. Every year."
Send inquiries to LaurenAD20@gmail.com